About the Author

Joyce Sanderly is a Pushcart-nominated poet and an attorney. She retired as a Senior Counsel at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Her poetry collection The Shomer (written under the name of Ellen Sazzman) was selected as a finalist for the Blue Lynx Prize, and a semifinalist for the Elixir Press Antivenom Award and for the Codhill Press Award. Her poetry has recently been published in New Verse News, Dos Gatos Press, Mid-Atlantic Review, Atlanta Review, Tiferet Spiritual Anthology, Folio, Delmarva Review, Peregrine, Another Chicago, PANK, Ekphrastic Review, WSQ, Sow’s Ear, Lilith, Common Ground, Moment, and CALYX, among others. She was awarded first place in the 2022 Dancing Poetry Festival, received an honorable mention in the 2019 Ginsberg poetry contest, was shortlisted for the 2018 O’Donoghue Prize, and was awarded first place in Poetica’s 2016 Rosenberg poetry competition.
She has lived in Washington, D.C. and Montgomery County, Maryland for the last forty years where she raised her family and practiced law for the federal government. Wild Irish Yenta is her debut novel.

Poetry Collections